34′ high speed commuter — 2014 — low hours — SOLD

  • PELICAN (Photo courtesy Carson Talbert – Off the Hook Yacht Sales.)
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Designed by Doug Hylan and built at Hylan & Brown – Boatbuilders, PELICAN is designed to commute from Florida’s east coast to The Abacos across the gulf stream. Making the 200 mile passage within a slim weather window requires a good turn of speed. Marina’s, boat shows and magazines are all filled with boats capable of this feat: big deep vee center console boats with as much as 1000Hp of outboard on the back.


We launched PELICAN on a cold day in January for sea trials. Click to see video of her underway.

But is deep vee the only option for high speed in variable conditions? What if you could achieve the same soft ride with less deadrise and gain some valuable fuel economy? These were questions posed by the customer, and PELICAN is, if not the answer, an excellent hypothesis.

PELICAN experienced a collision at sea in 2016. The outboards were unscathed and the hull has been repaired by a boat shop in North Carolina. Reports of the hull repair indicate a thorough approach, but a survey is a must.

[More about PELICAN…]


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